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Simple Ways to Stay Hydrated in Scorching Summer

Try to drink 2 liters of water in a day.
If a glass of water in one go seems too much, take small sips at frequent intervals.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Insulated Water Bottle
Carry cold water in this reusable bottle when you go outdoors. Water remains cold for 12 hours in it. Thus, you stay cool and hydrated even on a busy day.
Lemon water (with lemon juice, black salt, and honey) rehydrates and replenishes electrolytes that body loses due to excess sweating.
Kokum or purple berry is an excellent hydrating agent. Sherbet made with kokum syrup is a refreshing summer drink.
Eat a simple cucumber and raw tomato salad daily. Cucumber is 95% water. Tomato is a rich source of water too.
Fruits with high water content such as watermelon, muskmelon, grapes, pineapples, and other juicy fruits can keep you hydrated.
Boil vegetables in a slow cooker for 3 hours. Sprinkle salt and pepper. Have this homemade vegetable broth to meet your hydration needs.
Certain spices like fennel seeds, basil seeds act as coolants and regulate body temperature. Use these spices in summer meals.
Flavored sugary drinks may sweeten your day but cannot rehydrate. It does not quench your thirst and often make you feel thirstier.
Caffeine-based and alcohol-based beverages tend to dehydrate body faster. Try to avoid them in scorching summer.
Check for signs of dehydration:
Excessive dry mouth and throat
Fatigue and dizziness
Mental confusion
Low/no urine output
Change in urine color.
If you or someone around you get these signs of dehydration, start oral rehydration without further delay.