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List of Jobs Preferred by Nonfiction Creative Writers

Check out jobs that use your craft of nonfiction writing effectively…
Writers hunt for jobs that inspire their creativity. Here are 10 jobs for nonfiction writers to build a career.
Web Content Writer.
Start your own website or you can write for other websites. You get the chance to practice your genre of writing.
Academic Writer.
Those with good knowledge in academic subjects write on topics relevant to their respective field of study for students in schools / colleges.
Literature Study Guide Writer.
Keen interest in literature is must for this job. You need to read novels, plays, etc. and create summary notes of the chapters.
Prepare writeups on products and brands for sales promotion and advertisements to be published on newspapers, magazines, websites, social media, etc.
Social Media Manager.
Writers connect with customers of a company through written communication over various social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Email Marketing Executive.
Writers create personalized commercial messages and send them via email to users / consumers of a product or service.
Nonfiction Ghost Writer.
Write anonymously for other nonfiction authors. One who loves to write but does not bother about recognition for the work can start ghost writing.
Nonfiction Screenplay Writer.
An opportunity to write scripts for nonfiction television shows, documentary films, video games, etc.
Nonfiction writers interested in writing on current events can opt for journalism as a career.
Teaching Faculty.
 Experienced writers can join institutions to share their knowledge with budding writers and help them improve writing skills.
These are the popular options available for nonfiction writers for the work they love the most – CREATIVE WRITING.