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How to Plan Indoor Plant Care – 12 Basic Tips for Beginners
Indoor plant care is simple and does not take much of your time.
Most people want to keep at least one indoor plant to add beauty and warmth to the interiors. It is also soothing for the eyes.
Since you are a beginner, buy an indoor plant which is easy to take care of. Your florist will help you out on this.
When the plant comes as a gift, do some research first on the species of your plant to find out if it needs any special care.
Select the right pot.
The pot holding your plant must have holes at the bottom to drain out excess water from the soil.
If you are keeping more than one plant in a room, keep them in close proximity.
Indoor plants do not like direct exposure to sunlight.
Keep them in a room that receives enough light throughout the daytime.
Don’t change the position of indoor plant pots too frequently. The plants need time to adjust in a new place.
Water the indoor plant when its soil is dry and light in colour. Touch and feel the soil in every pot before watering.
Give enough water to keep the soil moist.
Use normal, room temperature water on the plants. Hot or cold water is not suitable for the plants.
Remove the dead branches and leaves of the plant from the base as soon as you notice them.
Prune the roots of the indoor plant once in a year, preferably during springtime.
Cut down the branches when the plant is out of shape due to overgrowth of leaves.
Check for signs of overwatering.
Overwatered, wet soil promotes mold growth on leaves and stems. Leaves turn droopy.
Drain out the excess water immediately to save the plant.
Check for signs of dehydration.
Lack of moisture in soil, tip and edges of the leaves turning dry and brown means the plant is dehydrated.
It will bounce back as soon as it gets sufficient water.
Pest infestation is rare in indoor plants.
If it happens, lightly wash the upper and under side of the leaves with lukewarm water.
These are the basics of indoor plant care.
As the bond between you and your pet plant grows stronger, you can understand its needs and demands much better.
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