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Avoid 10 Mistakes to Cultivate Better Friendship

Sidestep from these 10 mis-steps to cultivate an everlasting joy of friendship.
Building a good friendship takes years. Little mistakes can ruin this rock-solid bonding.
Breaking trust.
Basic foundation of a friendship is good faith and trust. Once broken, you may not be able to regain trust.
Manipulative behavior.
Judging, blaming, criticizing have no place in a friendship. Express your thoughts and feelings without hurting them.
Unresolved conflict.
You can have conflict with a friend but do not drag it too long. Resolve it as soon as you can.
Difference of opinion.
Two individuals are free to have different perspectives. Open discussions are a must to understand each other’s views.
Creation of false image to please friend.
Be authentic. Show your real self to cultivate genuine friendship.
Too many demands.
Accept that your friend has limitations and cannot fulfil all your needs and wants.
Taking a friend for granted.
A true friend is an asset of a lifetime. Recognize the real value of friendship and treat them well.
Intrusive behavior.
Every individual needs his or her personal space including your dearest friend...
If they do not want to talk about certain things, do not force them or try to be sneaky.
Lack of empathy.
You may not always find time to meet each other. However, make sure to keep yourself available when a friend needs you.
Lack of fun time.
Share a hearty laugh on some stupid inside jokes which only you two know about. It adds plenty of good vibes.