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8 Simple DIY Recycling and Reuse Ideas for Teens

Sharing some simple but creative recycling and reuse ideas for teens…
On recent World Environment Day, several discussions and debates were held to find out ways and means to reduce solid wastes going to landfills.
An effective solution to this problem is recycling of broken, discarded items around us.
Recycling is the process to modify and make wastes usable for other purposes.
When teenagers adopt recycling and reuse habits, it makes a positive impact on the planet not just today but for years to come.

Here comes 8 simple recycling and reuse ideas for teens:

Let’s start with bundles of scrap paper students have which are printed on one side.
Reuse the blank side of these papers to solve random sums, draft notes, create artworks, etc.
Booklovers need a constant supply of new storybooks.
Try to get your books from school/college library, rent online or borrow from friends.
You will find old magazines with bright, colorful, and glossy pages lying in your home.
Make nice paper bags, paper packets and gift wrappers out of them.
You receive so many cards on birthdays, New Year, and other special days.
Once the occasion is over, cut them into square pieces to prepare jigsaw puzzle sets.
Old plastic jars of various shapes and sizes can serve as pen stand. Apply some creative skills to make them more attractive…
Add eye-catching colours, designs, ribbons, embellishments, etc. Now, it is all set to hold your pens, pencils, crayons, and other accessories.
Empty cardboard boxes are useful to create innovative crafts. Cut, paint, and decorate them as per your needs...
Then mold them into trays, storage boxes, dollhouse, photo frames, dog beds and base support for other crafts.
Paint up old, unused CDs/DVDs with nice, sparkling colors and funny designs to reuse them as coasters.
You can also hang them in a series as a wall art.
Plant lovers can reuse old plastic spray bottles for watering their favorite indoor plants.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
You can innovate more DIY recycling and reuse ideas with throw away materials. It will reduce wastes and contribute to environmental sustainability.