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8 Group Travel Tips for Introverts

An introvert ventures into a group travel trip and wants to enjoy. How to go about it?
The world may call us loner but we enjoy being alone. It is good for our mental health.
We love travelling solo. Sometimes, our friends /family insist that we go for group travels.

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Sharing some tips to enjoy group travels as an introvert.

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Make sure you like the destination. If you like silence of hills, you cannot enjoy a beach travel.

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No sharing of accommodation with others. After spending a day with group, you will yearn for some personal space.

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Travel with like-minded people who can accept your introvert nature without getting annoyed.
Feel comfortable with your introvert traits. Do not try to fit into the group or act like extroverts.
Sit quietly and observe others. You can discover some amusing travel behaviors in your group.

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Skip noisy parties or any such activity that makes you uncomfortable.

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Keep some time for solo activities that you like. Inform your group about it.
Strike one-to-one conversation with people. You know you are good at it.
You never know after the trip you may have a deeper bonding with some members which will last forever.